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200 - Travels to discover the source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772 y 1773. Vol I, III, IV, V, y VI


COP 1.500.000 |

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Bruce, James
Travels to discover the source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772 y 1773. Vol I, III, IV, V, y VI
Dublin: P. Wogan et all, 1790. I: LXXX + 381; III: 687; IV: [6] 775; V: [10] 496; VI: XXIV + [2] 286 pp.
Octavo mayor. pasta dura.
Tomo VI contiene dos mapas: To my worthy and learned friend the honourable Daines Barrington. This plan of two attempts to arrive at the source of the Nile is dedicated by his most obliged and faithful humble servant James Bruce.
To the right Revd. Jhon Lord Bishop of Carlisle. This map Shewing the Tact of Solomon's Fleet in their three years voyage from the Elanitic Gulf to ophir and Tarshish the the necessity of employing in it that space of time is dedicated by his most obedient servant James Bruce.
Piezas: 5
Precio de salida: $1.400.000

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