COP 380.000 |
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[Viajeros en Sudamérica, en inglés] Cuatro ediciones originales
Bishop, Nathaniel. The Pampas and Andes. Thousand Miles' Walk Across South America. Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1869. 3ra ed. 310 pp.
Jebb, John Gladwyn. A Strange Career. Life and adventures of John Gladwyn Jebb, By his Widow. Boston: Roberts brothers, 1895. XXIV + 349 pp.
Zahm, John Augustine. Theodore Following the Conquistadores along the Andes and Down the Amazon. Nueva York y Londres: D. Appleton and company, 1911. 542 pp. Con introducción del coronel Roosevelt.
Franck, Harry A. Vagabonding Down the Andes - Being the narrative of a journey, chiefly afoot from Panamá to Buenos Aires. Nueva York: The Century Company, 1917. XXI + 612 pp. 3 láminas y 1 mapa. Lámina: The central plaza of Bogotá from the window of our room. In the center is the famous statue of Bolívar by Tenarani; on the right, the new capitolio; in the middle foreground the cathedral backed by the peaks of Guadalupe and Monserrate. Mapa: South America.
4 piezas.
Precio de salida: 220.000
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